How do I describe my feeling for those final moments I spent with my father in hospice? The constant feeling of doubts and unknown what was going to happen. The many sleepless nights and moments of waiting, lots of reflection, thinking, feeling his struggles and pain. Fear of loosing him yet, knowing that letting him go is the best for him. I was grieving even before he was gone. The last two weeks in the hospice was probably the most precious moment I had spent with my father. I remembered the last time we were alone with minimal or no conversation was when he drove me to school everyday. That was between 1989 to 1991. We were feeling comfortable in quiet moments, simply enjoying each other presence. There was no need for conversation. That was the exact word he said to me about ten days before he passed away. He apologized for not being able to engage in a conversation with me, yet he appreciated the quiet times alone with me. He said he liked it, that I was there with him was more t...