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Showing posts from 2014

Addicted to Patterns

New Exploration: Patterns

Here I started my new project but I am quite certain this is going to take a long time to complete. What I am going to do is to first study pattern designs based on this structure/grid system I read in Wucius Wong's book on Principles of Design Two - Dimensional Design. 

Fishing for "FU".

A cross-hatching pencil sketch.

31.7.2014 to 08.08.2014

I enjoy drawing these but I am not able to keep up with it. So this is it for this series. 

From 14.07.2014 to 25.07.2014

Working with ballpoint pen, copic markers and watercolors. One of my favorite medium is drawing with a ballpoint pen. It is cheap and most effective for the type of look I want to achieve.

From 08.07.2014 to 11.07.2014

My Fashion Diary

Another new addiction of mine. If I am a full time artist, I will devote an hour a day to draw one fashion illustration each day. I am going to try doing this everyday for a month and see if I can manage......

New Exploration

I never thought collage can be this fun. This is the first time I explore collage work. This has been going on for seven months and it is never enough. I am still thinking of what to do with all these collage pieces. How am I going to bring it to the next level? We will see and I will keep everyone posted.


I am a paperdoll collector. It is just one of those thing that I enjoyed playing most when I was young. I can spend hours just creating my own. After so many years, I started creating my own paperdoll again. I suspect this is going to be one of those thing that I am going to get addicted with for many years.

Life Drawing

These are some life drawing demos I did in class for my students. It is usually Xu Hui or Steven posing for my class. They are my favorite.
My new addiction this year. A continuation from my flower series.  I think this is going to be my next big personal project.